Goodell TurnTable '98
In June of 1897 Goodell was poking fun at changes to the turntable design such as turning it "topsy-turvy" (see previous slide). By May of 1898 Goodell had introduced their new Turn Table '98, considered the ultimate improvement to the turntable design.
Goodell utilized letters patent granted to Frederick B. Rising for a "Frame for Fruit or Vegetable Parers" to turn his turntable design "wrong side up" (Rising, 1898; Hopkins, 1904). The '98 became Goodell's most successful variation of the turntable design.
Hopkins, H. [Ed.]. Hardware: A Review of the American Hardware Market, Vol. 29, No. 4, New York: Hardware Publishing Company, May 25, 1904.
Kirchhoff, C. [Ed.]. The Iron Age, Vol. 62, New York: David Williams Company, July, 7 1897, p. 94.
Rising, F. B., inventor; Frame for Fruit or Vegetable Parers. 1898 May 24. USD28705. |